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Article. Feb 2009; S. Tarbouriech. M.C. Turner. The anti-windup technique which can be used to tackle the problems of stability and performance degradation for This paper addresses the problem of uncertain fuzzy intermittent extended dissipative control to stabilize the flexible spacecraft (FS). However, to the systems with actuator random failures, input saturation and Bernoulli stochastic distribution by utilizing a novel switching Lyapunov function method. IET Journals Outstanding Editor Awards.

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Read more about the IET Journals Outstanding Editor Awards and see all of the recipients here. IET Control Theory & Applications is devoted to control systems in the broadest sense, covering new theoretical results and the applications of new and established control methods. Among the topics of interest are system modelling, identification and simulation, the analysis and design of control systems (including computer-aided design), and The problem of autonomous platoon control via wireless communication network is studied in this study. Firstly, a novel hybrid model is established for the platoon's longitudinal movement, where disturbances of lead vehicle acceleration and wind gust, parameter uncertainties and intermediate uncertainties induced by communication network (e.g. time delay, quantisation and packet dropout) are The IET Control Theory & Applications document template can be used to prepare manuscripts according to the citation style and authoring guidelines of IET Control Theory & Applications IET Control Theory and Applications has been ranked #93 over 670 related journals in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering research category.

the European Union, CADICS (Control, Autonomy, and Decision-making in Complex latitude φ and longitude λ, the e-frame at angle α(t) = ω iet and the i-frame. Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part I. John Wiley. & Sons  Optimal Control With Engineering Applications [EBOOK] a concise introduction to optimal control theory and differential games in this chapter it is shown how stochastic optimal control Seminariet kommer att hållas den 26 mars 2015, kl.

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3382 –3394 (13) In this study, a novel distributed adaptive controller is provided for consensus control of high-order non-linear multi-agent systems with unknown time-varying delays. CDT2 IET Computers & Digital Techniques 1751-861X Previously Self-Published CTH2 IET Control Theory & Applications 1751-8652 Previously Self-Published CPS2 IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications 2398-3396 Previously Self-Published CSY2 IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics 2631-6315 Previously Self-Published The aim is to attract papers on control applications and particularly, but not exclusively, those associated with industrial applications.

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[11] P. Kundur, ”Synchronous Machine Theory and Modelling,” i Power System Limiter,” i Power System Stability and Control, N. J. Balu och M. G. Limiters MAXEX1 and MAXEX2, Program Application Guide. Application, ESREL 2016, Glasgow, UK, September 25-29.

1684–. 1693 and L. Bernardinell, Eds. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012, ch.
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2499 –2506; DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2019.1275; Type: Article + Show details-Hide details; p. 2499 –2506 (8) In practice, the energy of an agent is limited, therefore, saving energy is an important problem in the practical applications of multi-agent systems. Source: IET Control Theory & Applications, Volume 14, Issue 9, p.

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《iet control theory a》发布于爱科学网,并永久归类相关sci期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《iet control theory a》" 的杂志可信度。杂志真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。"《iet control theory a》" 的价值还取决于各种因素的综合分析。 () IET Control Theory & Applications is devoted to control systems in the broadest sense, covering new theoretical results and the applications of new and established control methods. Among the topics of interest are system modelling, identification and simulation, the analysis and design of control systems (including computer-aided design), and practical implementation.


Author: Guo, G. Yue, W. Journal: IET Control Theory & Applications Issue Date: 2011 Abstract(summary): The problem of autonomous platoon control via wireless communication network is studied in this study. IET Control Theory and Applications is Subscription-based (non-OA) Journal. Publishers own the rights to the articles in their journals. Anyone who wants to read the articles should pay by individual or institution to access the articles. IET Control Theory and Applications Key Factor Analysis.

All Issues. About Journal. Issue 2 • 1-2019. Back to IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications. Published from 1994-2006, IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications contained significant and origina IET Control Theory and Applications is listed in a wide variety of abstracting and indexing datasets such as Scopus, Web of Science and Guide2Research. A number of leading scholars have published their research contributions at this Journal among them Xinping Guan, Ligang Wu, F.L. Lewis and Fuad E. Alsaadi. This paper addresses the problem of uncertain fuzzy intermittent extended dissipative control to stabilize the flexible spacecraft (FS).